import { useFormikWizard } from 'formik-wizard-form';
is a replacement of original useFormik
hook and accepts all the formik props along with WizardProps
interface WizardProps extends FormikConfig<FormikValues> { /** Default active step index for the wizard */ activeStepIndex: number;
/** Wizard steps array given below */ steps: Step[];
/** Must be a function or react element */ children?: | ((props: RenderProps) => React.ReactNode) | React.ReactElement<RenderProps>;
/** Should validate the form before moving to next step */ validateOnNext?: boolean;}
type Step = { /** Validation schema object for the current step */ validationSchema?: any | (() => any);
/** Handler to be called before moving to previous step */ beforePrev?: ( values: FormikValues, formikBag: FormikProps<FormikValues>, currentStepIndex: number ) => Promise<any>;
/** Handler to be called before moving to next step */ beforeNext?: ( values: FormikValues, formikBag: FormikProps<FormikValues>, currentStepIndex: number ) => Promise<any>;
/** React functional or class component */ component: React.ComponentType<FormikProps<FormikValues>>;};
steps: Step[]
steps is an array of form step objects where each object contains the information about a particular step component. Each step object must satisfy the below typescript type.
activeStepIndex: number
activeStepIndex is the index of step which you want to make active by default on form render. Starting from zero.
validateOnNext: boolean
validateOnNext is a boolean flag which controls whether to by pass the form validations or prevent moving backward/forward in case of invalid form.
Hook Return ValueuseFormikWizard()
returns an object of render props and method containing the below interface:
interface RenderProps extends FormikProps<FormikValues> { /** Handler to be called on previous button click */ handlePrev: () => void;
/** Handler to be called on next button click */ handleNext: () => void;
/** Current step index in number */ currentStepIndex?: number;
/** Flag to indicate previous button should be disabled */ isPrevDisabled: boolean;
/** Flag to indicate next button should be disabled */ isNextDisabled: boolean;
/** Flag to indicate current step is first step */ isFirstStep: boolean;
/** Flag to indicate current step is last step */ isLastStep: boolean;
/** Current step component renderer */ renderComponent: () => React.ReactNode;}
- handlePrev: should be provided to previous button onClick prop. It will take you to the previous step.
- handleNext: should be provided to next button onClick prop. It will take you to the next step.
- currentStepIndex: read-only property which returns the index of current step.
- isPrevDisabled: read only prop which returns Boolean value for whether previous button should be disabled.
- isNextDisabled: read only prop which returns Boolean value for whether next button should be disabled.
- isFirstStep: read only prop which returns boolean value for whether the current active step is the first step.
- isLastStep: read only prop which returns boolean value for whether the current active step is the last step.
- renderComponent: is the method which is responsible for rendering current step component.
Exampleconst MultiStepForm = () => { const { renderComponent, handlePrev, handleNext, isNextDisabled, isPrevDisabled, isLastStep, } = useFormikWizard({ initialValues: { firstName: '', lastName: '' }, onSubmit: values => console.log(values), validateOnNext: true, activeStepIndex: 0, steps: [ { component: PersonalDetails, validationSchema: Yup.object().shape({ firstName: Yup.string().required('First name is required'), }), }, { component: ContactDetails, validationSchema: Yup.object().shape({ email: Yup.string().required('Email is required'), }), }, { component: JobDetails, validationSchema: Yup.object().shape({ designation: Yup.string().required('Designation is required'), }), }, ], }); return ( <div> {renderComponent()} <button type="button" onClick={handlePrev} disabled={isPrevDisabled}> Previous </button> <button type="button" onClick={handleNext} disabled={isNextDisabled}> {isLastStep ? 'Finish' : 'Next'} </button> </div> );};